Full service remodel studio

Midwest Stone Source and Design Studio

Midwest Stone Source and Design Studio corporate video

I’m Kayla. I'm an interior designer here at Midwest Stone Source and Design Studio. We're a full

service kitchen and bath remodeling studio. We have everything from cabinets to flooring, tile, and

countertops. We even put in carpet as an example if you were ever looking to install carpet and we’ll

work with you on your project from beginning to end. In other words, we’re very involved and there to

help you get exactly what you're looking for. We will meet with you and get to know your lifestyle,

asking you all kinds of questions to really get to know you and what you’re looking to accomplish with

your project/s. We do all of our coordinating through us. You guys don’t have to go through several

different people. We do everything for you so it's definitely a help to you and keeps the stress off.

Midwest Stone can do full service bathrooms as well as carry your tile and plumbing products. We do

all of our own demo carpentry, everything. All fabrication is in-house. Our fabricators have been with us

since the beginning and are extremely good at what they do. It definitely helps if there’s any questions,

there's no communication problems if it’s in-house you don’t have to go through a separate person.

That way there’s not multiple hands involved, it's all here. It makes it go a lot smoother. I think we have

some of the best customer service we’re very involved in projects, we’re very organized and we follow

through as often as we can. We can come out to meet you on job sites during the process and make

sure everything's going smoothly. We’re in contact with you and our contractors. So, our website gives

a little overview of some before and after projects we’ve done to give you an idea of what we’re

capable of, what we’ve done in the past. Midwest Stone is located on 23rd Street right off of Charles

and across from Schnucks.


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